Collection Femme
Collection Femme
Silver earrings topaze, rhodolite, citrine Myrtille
180,00 €Silver earrings 925 blue topaze, rhodolite, citrine wom... -
Silver earrings grenat Mirella
79,00 €Silver earrings 925 grenat women collection... -
Silver earings in citrine Cassie
95,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in citrine Cassie... -
Silver earings in black onyx and white topaze Charlie
60,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in black onyx and white... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Ruby BeauReal
215,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Ruby BeauReal... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Citrine BeauReal
220,00 €Gold earrings 9 carats, Citrine BeauReal... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Sapphire BeauReal
210,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Sapphire BeauReal... -
Gold earrings creole 18 carats, Sapphire BeauReal
898,00 €Gold earrings creole 18 carats, Sapphire BeauReal... -
Silver earrings topaze, amethyste Daisy
195,00 €Silver earrings 925 blue topaze, amethyste, peridot, ci... -
Silver earings in Onyx Casey
150,00 €Silver earings 925 with Rhodium in Onyx... -
Silver earings in labradorite Christelle
160,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in labradorite Christel... -
Silver earings in black onyx Charlotte
50,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in black onyx Charlotte... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Sapphire BeauReal
215,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Sapphire BeauReal... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Emerald BeauReal
268,00 €Gold earrings 9 carats, Emerald BeauReal... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Amethyst BeauReal
175,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Amethyst BeauReal... -
Gold earrings 18 carats, Sapphire BeauReal
375,00 €Yellow gold earrings 18 carats, Sapphire BeauReal... -
Silver earrings multi color tourmaline Katerina
180,00 €Silver earrings 925 tourmaline women collection... -
Silver earings in Onyx
90,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in onyx... -
Silver earings in black onyx Celina
60,00 €Silver earings 925 with rhodium in black onyx Celina... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Emerald BeauReal
240,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Emerald BeauReal... -
Gold earrings creoles 9 carats, Peridot BeauReal
412,00 €Yellow gold earrings creoles 9 carats, Peridot closed s... -
Gold earrings 9 carats, Ruby BeauReal
210,00 €Yellow gold earrings 9 carats, Ruby BeauReal... -
Gold earrings creole 18 carats, Ruby 18 carats BeauReal
898,00 €Gold earrings creole 18 carats, Ruby 18 carats BeauReal... -
Gold ring 18 carats, Amethyst BeauReal
349,00 €Yellow gold ring 18 carats, Amethyst BeauReal...